January 2018 Newsletter

Plant Utah

These are exciting times! We (The Andersons) are celebrating 5 years on Utah soil. We have been stretched, encouraged, and blessed over that time. We have walked through spiritual warfare, unlike anything we could have imagined. We have cried with families as their decision to follow Jesus have left them rejected by family and friends! Yet, we stand here blessed beyond measure as the Gospel has changed lives and disciples are being made. Utah Valley Church is growing and we continue to equip and release disciple-makers! Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement. The impact is beyond what we could ever put in words. We look forward to what God has in store for 2018. Please pray for the families here on the ground and the ones preparing to come.

The Crossing (Grant and Terri Clark)

West Jordan, UT
2017 was extremely amazing, challenging, difficult, and rewarding! The Clarks have been meeting every week with a group of friends and their families to study God’s word, fellowship and “do life” together. This Summer, they plan to adopt the 3 young boys they have been fostering for the last 6 months and continue to minister to whomever God places in their path.

Gospel Life (Cody and Rachael Harris)

St. George, UT
Please be in prayer for Cody and Rachael. Cody’s employer had to make some financial cutbacks resulting in the loss of his job. This may be an opportunity for the Harris’ to begin raising financial support for the church plant. Be praying for churches to catch the vision for planting reproducing churches in southwest Utah. On another note, Cody and Rachael are meeting weekly in their home. They are both involved in other activities that facility gospel conversations. They are teaming up with a college ministry and will be having once a month gatherings.

Financial Update

Plant Utah’s model of planting allows us to plant churches in a more cost-effective manner. All of our planters are bi-vocational and because our focus is disciple-making we don’t have a lot of the cost that typical church plants have. Our financial goal is to supply $150,000-$210,000 for each of our current plants. We are looking for churches and or individuals to partner with us. We have 3 current plants that are all partially funded and then a fourth plant we would like to have funded by the end of 2018. We currently have nearly $16,000 raised for these projects.

For the sake of the gospel,
The Andersons

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