Spring 2021 Newsletter

Anderson Family Update

Wow! What a year and we are only a little over three months into 2021! A lot of you want a more personal update so I will do my best to give you both this newsletter. Our oldest boy Jonathon is doing great and will be welcoming baby BOY number 4 this summer. Even though I didn’t birth him the boy genes still run strong! Noah moved out on his own last month and is working full-time at Walmart. He is hoping to save up some money so he can start barber school next year. Isaiah has been doing great! He graduated early and is working at Jersey Mikes as he figures out what he wants to do now that high school is over. Nehemiah has been wrestling and had a great season at the Junior High. He is doing great in school and navigating the fun world of teenagers (so are we). Moriah and Judah swim 5 days a week and really seem to enjoy it. Matthew and I are busy with family, disciple-making, jobs, and other ministry endeavors. No matter what season life throws at us, God is and will continue to be faithful in our lives! Another amazing thing this year has brought was a wonderful week in Texas with all of my siblings and their kiddos. We gathered to celebrate 50 years of marriage for my parents. They serve in Liberia, West Africa, and have an amazing ministry over there. You can check that out here.

Utah Valley Church Update

The last couple of years we really have been at capacity in our current building. We continue to pray for a space that will bless our community and also provide us with a place to gather. Please join us in that prayer. We have had a lot of young families join us over the last 9 months and many other families who haven’t returned because it’s too distracting to corral their kiddos and worship. While we will still continue to be a family-integrated church, we knew we needed to have a space for kids on Sunday mornings. We were able to find a space just two doors down from the theatre and will be able to offer an option for ages 0-4 on Sunday mornings. In fact, we are planning on starting that this week! This building has already been a huge blessing. It is being utilized so much throughout the week and there are plans in the works for a recovery ministry and also a men’s gathering. We just want this building to bless the congregation and our congregation. Honestly, we have almost already outgrown this building. Please continue to pray for this church, our city, and for a space large enough to accommodate our growing church.

The Neighbor Church and The Grove Collective

Our two newest plants are gathering weekly and it has been so exciting to hear the stories coming out of those groups. One of the groups had a ladies meeting and a young lady walked up to them and asked them if she could join! God is at work all around us, we just need to be faithful and have open eyes!

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the cities of Spanish Fork, West Jordan, St. George, Vineyard, and Santaquin
  • Pray for the families: for their marriages and for their children. The enemy wants to steal peace and joy and he is trying hard to attack our families. Please be in prayer fervently against the enemy.
  • Pray for solid core teams for each of our church plants. For wisdom and boldness to move forward in making disciples in the places they live, work, learn and play.


Thank you for being such a vital part of the ministry here in Utah. How can we pray for you?



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