July 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to Utah

We would like to welcome Brian and Jennifer Bridgeman to Utah! Pray for their transition to this mission field. We want to give thanks to God for answering our 9:38 prayers. Please continue to pray with us, at 9:38, to the Lord of the harvest to send workers into His harvest field.

Missouri Trip

Matthew got to make a quick trip out to Missouri last month. He preached at Summersville Christian Church and then was off to Rock Garden Christian Service Camp. Plant Utah was the mission for the High School week of camp. It was a blessing to share about our church planting endeavors in Utah as well as our ministry to those fleeing polygamy. It was great to visit with old friends and make new ones!

Summer Happenings – Utah Valley Church

We have big things happening this summer. July 24th is a HUGE holiday here in Utah. It is called Pioneer Day and it is a celebration of when the Mormon pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley. Spanish Fork does a rodeo and other festivities for the week leading up to Pioneer Day. We will have two mission teams here and I am sure they would all appreciate your prayers as would we. This has always been a great time to meet those in our community. Pray for Gospel sharing opportunities. Then in August, we have another mission team coming out to do a Vacation Bible School! A huge thanks to Hillsboro Christian Church, First Baptist Church Covington and Mountainview Christian Church for helping make all this happen!

Also, please continue to pray for the new believers in our church family. Some of these new Christians are experiencing real persecution and rejection by family and friends.

New Church Planters

We have interviewed several potential church planters over the last few months and have 2 amazing candidates for a couple new church plants here in Utah. We will have more specifics in the coming months. Pray for them and the cities where God will have them plant!

The Crossing

Grant and Terri Clark have been very busy lately as their family has grown. They have taken in 3 amazing boys and are looking forward to giving them much needed love and stability. Pray for this transition for all of them. Also, please be in prayer for their core team and their gatherings as their ministry continues to grow.
Financial Update

Our current committed monthly giving is at 58%. Please pray with us that we can be at 100% by the end of the year. We are also looking for churches to partner with us for our next church plant. If your church is interested in planting a church in a city without one let us know! We would love to share with you how you can partner with us.

Transitional Housing

There is lots of mud floating happening in the basement as I type this. We will have the apartment ready for flooring, paint, cabinets, etc for our missions teams that will begin arriving on the 18th! This is a huge praise! Please pray for this project and also those that this apartment will bless.


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